What should you if your infants have cough and cold or are agitated at night?

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baby & bubblesNew dads or moms are usually worried when they find their infants or small children with low grade fever or become agitated (crying a lot) at night.  It is because no cough and cold medicine is indicated for children under 6 years old. 

If your infants with periodic low grade fever or like to cry a lot before falling asleep, you may like to try Bo Ying Compound for a day.

Bo Ying Compound is an ancient Chinese herbal formula that was developed for young children. The formulation has been used by many Chinese to treat paediatric discomforts like restlessness at night, poor appetite, cold, cough, phlegm, vomiting of milk, excessive air in the stomach and diarrhoea.

Bo Ying Compound is suitable for newborn babies and children up to 10 years old. It has been proven to be safe by the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and is a Traditional Chinese Medicine with mild yet effective properties.

Various clinical experiments and observations have concluded Bo Ying Compound is an effective treatment for paediatric illnesses.

Based on the studies conducted by the Beijing Universiy of Chinese, Bo Ying Compound has been found to be effective to treat pediatric cold in 91.8% of the cases.  It is very effective in infants who has fever, chill, stuffy nose, rhinorrhea, cough with phlegm and sore throat.

I have used Bo Ying Compound on my 3 little girls while I lived in the US.  The product has been very effective to relieve cough, low grade fever and to the calm my babies at night.  In most cases, one to two doses are good enough to relieve the symptoms.  If the symptoms persisted, I will then bring them to the pediatricians.

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